
en Vene­zuela

A documentary that explores daily life and resilience while facing challenges in a complex country.




Quality Media

A deep, observational look at the lives of ten characters over the course of 24 hours.

«Resolver en Venezuela» is a feature-length documentary that provides an intimate and diverse look at daily life in Venezuela. Through the daily experiences of ten individuals, the film shows how people ‘resolve’ amidst the crisis and how challenges are integrated into a life that moves forward with determination. The documentary offers a 24-hour glimpse into life in a complex and diverse country, without intervention or narration. It adopts an observational approach, following the ten characters throughout an entire day, capturing their daily routines, struggles, and interactions with their environment.
The film travels across Venezuela, showcasing not only Caracas but also the diversity of other states, cities, towns, and rural areas.

Without voice-over or interviews, the narrative is built from the testimonies and interactions of the protagonists, who guide us through their experiences in a complex and multifaceted country. The camera acts as a silent witness to reality, capturing small details that, together, provide a deeper understanding of what is truly happening in Venezuela.
El documental ha sido seleccionado para participar en la 39ª edición de los Premios Goya de la Academia de Cine. Entre las categorías a las que es candidato se encuentran Mejor Película Documental y Mejor Dirección. Además, dos de las candidaturas recaen directamente en Facto: Mejor Montaje, para Rosalía Sánchez-Biezma, y Mejor Dirección de Fotografía, para Carlos Cáceres.


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